do & don't
Use reusable bags when grocery shopping.
Shop locally
Take part in a community garden.
Much like shopping locally, by producing your own food – either in a community garden or in your own backyard – you will be cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions from the production and transport of food. Plus, it’s a great way to meet the neighbors!
Bring a bag to place litter in when you go on walks
around your neighborhood or in a local Gwinnett County Parks & Recreation facility, and then put litter in its place.
Plan ahead when running errands.
Instead of making several trips around town more than one day a week, try your best to bundle your errands and plot your route in an effort to minimize your carbon footprint.
Schedule regular neighborhood beautification projects.
In addition to fostering a sense of community pride and drawing potential new neighbors to the area, activities like repairing fences, revamping landscaping and clearing the area of litter can go a long way for the environment. And don’t just place an emphasis on beauty, but also functionality. Focus on planting flowering bushes that attract pollinators – like bees and butterflies – to help boost their populations. Planting trees can help halt soil erosion, cool your neighborhood, create living habitats for birds and squirrels, and clean the air.
Be a good neighbor and help those in need with their beautification projects.
If you know of someone in your neighborhood or community who is ill, elderly or physically challenged, encourage others to volunteer to help them with their landscaping and beautification projects – picking up litter, trimming the trees and bushes, cutting the grass, shaping up the flower beds and more.
Carpool or take public transportation whenever possible
to help reduce your carbon footprint.
Volunteer for Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful events.
A great way to help your environment, meet likeminded individuals and score community service points for a badge, class or sport, volunteering for a variety of GC&B events can be rewarding in more ways than one. And not to mention the fact that they can also be FUN!
Attend Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful events.
Almost as rewarding as volunteering for GC&B events, simply attending a recycling event or household hazardous waste collection day can pay big dividends for you and the environment. In addition to providing a centralized location on a specified day to rid your home of unwanted items, these events are designed to protect the environment by discarding of those items (or RECYCLING them) in the RIGHT way.
Taking part in Adopt-A-Road gives you an opportunity to adopt a stretch of road and perform regular cleanups to keep it litter-free. We’ll provide you with all the tools necessary and – as our thanks – we’ll place two signs along your adopted stretch of road – emblazoned with your company, family, neighborhood or organization’s name so everyone who passes by knows you care about your community.
You can receive the training and certifications required to properly observe and report your findings at a local stream to GC&B and our partners at Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources so we can monitor the health of our area waterways – a vital component of our local environment.
Leave your car idling unnecessarily
such as in the school car rider line or when a passenger makes a quick run into a store.
Overlook the value of a “staycation.”
Gwinnett County and the state of Georgia are filled with wonderful destinations and opportunities for adventure – all close to home, minimizing the need for large amounts of fuel to