Living a green lifestyle can happen anywhere. Finding ways to be green in all expects of your life can make a huge difference in the community and the world. Find out all of the different ways that you can make your life greener without having to make big lifestyle changes!
at home
Poet Cherrie Moragas perhaps said it best… “the revolution begins at home.” Start exploring changes you can make within your own family, and then carry those changes forward into the workplace, school and your community. From making the switch from plastic to reusable grocery bags to learning how to recycle properly so you’re not contaminating the recycling stream, these seemingly small measures will accumulate for big results.
In your neighborhood
From volunteering for a recycling event or community cleanup day to taking part in programs like Adopt-A-Road and Adopt-A-Stream, Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful makes it easy for you to become an environmental steward in your community. There are also little changes you can make when you’re out and about that can make a big difference in the long run – particularly when you encourage others to follow the example you set.
at work
In addition to being good for the environment and creating a healthier workplace for your employees/co-workers, intentionally becoming an environmentally conscious company can be a good public relations move. More and more consumers are paying attention to a company’s carbon footprint and throwing their support behind those that are environmentally and community minded. If done correctly, it can also become a team building focus as your team members challenge one another to take bigger steps – from launching a company-wide recycling program to taking part in a community cleanup event.